KDE 4.2.2 in Fink Unstable

I've just committed all of KDE 4.2.2 to Fink Unstable.

There's still a lot of rough edges, but it's definitely at least beta quality, and a lot of apps work great. It includes a number of fixes, including updated scripts to register all of the desktop files properly with ksycocoa on post-install, case-sensitive filesystem fixes, and a number of other packaging fixes. I've also finished packaging all of the "core" KDE distribution.

I've got Amarok working in my experimental tree, I just need to do a little more testing before I can release it (It's based on a snapshot of what will become Amarok 2.1.0, since 2.0.x has some build issues on Mac OS X that are difficult to resolve). Also, the KOffice folks just put out a release candidate that I'm working on finishing up packaging on. Hopefully I will have that out soon.

As always, please let me know if you run into issues. I've test-built on 10.5/i386 and 10.4/ppc so I'm sure some 10.4/i386 and 10.5/ppc users will give bug reports soon. 😉

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2 comments to KDE 4.2.2 in Fink Unstable

  • anon

    This is very cool 🙂 But what exactly do you mean with “Fink”? There’s nothing in incoming.debian.org… can you help me out?

  • Benjamin Reed

    Fink is a distribution for Mac OS X. If you’re looking for debian packages, you’ll have to wait for debian to update them. 🙂