KDE/X11 3.5.2 in Fink 10.4 Unstable

I've released KDE 3.5.2 to the Fink 10.4 and 10.4-transitional trees. 10.3 is forthcoming, when I get my 10.3 test box back up. 🙂

The biggest changes are:

  • KDE 3.5.2 (duh)
  • KOffice 1.5
  • uses unsermake for (most of) the packages, which gives a huge improvement on build times
  • uses -fvisibility=hidden support for (most of) the packages, which gives a noticable improvement in speed

There are too many changes to list everything, see the KDE 3.5.2 and KOffice 1.5 pages for more info.

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1 comment to KDE/X11 3.5.2 in Fink 10.4 Unstable

  • Kat

    I have succeeded in installing KDE 3.5.12 – thank you! But I do have a question. How does one play flash animations in Konqueror? I attempted to link to “flashplayer.xpt” but that didn’t work. Do you have any suggestions? I’ve googled this but can’t seem to come up with a clear answer.
    TIA, Kat