A mystery solved…

So it turns out this is why the Fink KDE 3.1.x packages haven’t been building right on panther and 10.2 with gcc 3.3. It’s a freakin’ weird problem, I’m just glad I know what it is now. Removing the -isystem stuff from the build fixes it. I’m working on 3.1.4 packages right now, it’s due any day. I should be ready, now that I’ve gotten past kdebase.

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Big Progress on KDE on Qt/Mac

So with a lot of help from Tanner Lovelace, I’ve now got pretty much all of kdelibs building with Qt/Mac. There’s still plenty of work to do, but this is a definite big step. libkdecore and libkdeui are probably the worst of the lot to get working, it should be mostly downhill from here. Patches updated as I get more built here. In related news, Peter O’Gorman updated his libtool patch to handle frameworks more gracefully, and passed it on to the libtool folks. Once that gets merged into libtool CVS, I’m going to ask about getting KDE’s libtool updated with all of the darwin fixes.

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Saturday Night (Is Alright for Porting)

So I got a metric buttload of Fink packaging done today. These are all in my experimental tree, for those wanting to… err… well, experiment. Expect to see them in unstable tomorrow after I’ve gotten some sleep. <grin>

First of all, I got PostgreSQL updated to 7.3.4. Some minor tweaks happened to the packages, including an update to the passwd package that makes positive “postgres” (the user) is in “postgres” (the group), since I got some complaints about weirdness there. Also, the perl, tcl, and python subpackages all automatically create and drop their language bits from the database (well, from template1 if you know anything about PostgreSQL-isms) automatically on install or removal. (As an aside, I fixed a bug in the module-loading so it actually recognizes these things without having to do trickery with file extensions…)

I also updated RRDTool and made it happy with the newer tcl that does some funky stuff with it’s tclConfig.sh that confuses RRDTool’s build system.

I updated Tomcat to 4.1.27, and also audited all of it’s dependencies for changes. Not much changed, . . . → Read More: Saturday Night (Is Alright for Porting)

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Updates from Holger Schroeder

Now that everyone’s returned from Nove Hrady, I got an update from Holger Schroeder on what happened in regards to making KDE portable to non-X11 Qt’s. It looks like people were pretty recepting to his patches to switch a lot of the defines to checking for Q_WS_X11 (the X11 version of Qt) rather than just handling only Qt/Embedded specifically. Holger’s patch also handles people who want to develop on Qt/X11 but not use any X11-specific features, which should make it easier to do some incremental development. Those patches are going to go into KDE CVS shortly, and from there we can work on the rest of the cleanup. Most likely the most difficult bits are handling the qt display (grep for qt_xdisplay in the KDE code and you’ll see what I mean), but this should give us a nice head start…

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So I Guess It Worked…

I got a great response from the call for help on getting KDE working with Qt/Mac. Thanks to everyone who mentioned it. And hello to folks linking from Linux.Ars. It’s kind of funny that particular section is linking me… although I use Linux daily, my blog is mostly about Mac OS X. <grin> I’ve had offers of help from Ian Reinhart Geiser, Holger Schroeder (of KDE/Win32), and many other folks. Thanks! Right now it looks like most of the people interested in working on it are getting their dev environments all set up. I expect a decent amount of hacking to start happening this weekend. Jarvis Cochrane (who, in fact, offered to help before I asked!) is going to be merging everything we’ve got so far into one mega-patch that we can all start working off of. Again, if you want to help out (or just watch), feel free to join the list.

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Qt/Mac KDE Call for Help

Sam Magnuson (the Trolltech dude who did the initial Qt/Mac KDE port) is dead busy and hasn’t had the time he’d like to work on it. He’ll be available for questions a bit, but I’m taking another whack at the port myself. I’m incredibly busy for the next month or so, so I’m looking for people willing to help out. I’ve already had one offer from someone who’s started in on it. The goal this time is to get something basic working, and to the point where the KDE folks will accept it (at least in a branch). I’m thinking this is a good time to revive the KDE-Darwin mailing list. If you’re interested, go there and say “hello” to the list. Don’t be shy, there’s probably only 10 people on it. <grin> I’ve gotten a decent amount of kdelibs building using Sam’s previous patches as a reference (they’re too old to apply cleanly, KDE CVS waits for no man). If anyone else wants to help, I’ll make sure my changes get put somewhere so people can give a hand. Happy hacking!

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Qt/Mac Status

Here is what I posted to my earlier Qt/Mac blog entry on the status of Qt/Mac-based KDE, for those interested: Just an update since people keep posting here and don’t necessarily look at my main blog page, here’s what’s going on. 1. I’ve been working over the last week to get all of my KDE-on-MacOSX-on-X11 patches back into mainline. Most of these patches will affect the Qt/Mac build as well (they’re not really specific to X11, just general mac-related build fixes). I have one last admin/ patch that needs going in, and a few other misc bits in kdelibs, and a bunch of patches still for kdebase, but it’s manageable. 2. Once at least kdelibs and kdebase are buildable out of CVS without needing patches, Sam (Magnuson) is gonna be working on bringing his patches up-to-date with current CVS. They currently don’t apply cleanly, and even after attempting to rework them, there are still issues with the 4 months of changes that have occurred since he did his initial work. While he’s doing that I’ll be working on merging the rest of my stuff (kdeartwork/kdeedu/etc.) into KDE CVS. 3. THEN there will be a chance for binaries. 🙂 . . . → Read More: Qt/Mac Status

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You just want me for my KOffice

I started down the track of getting the latest KDE building with Qt/Mac. I ended up hitting a number of snags, so I’m pretty much stuck until someone more code-savvy than me looks at it (ie, Sam 😉 In the meantime I’m getting the rest of my patches and stuff sent upstream so we’re ready. It won’t be too long until KDE CVS builds out-of-the-box on Mac OS X (yay!). As for Qt/Mac, I assure you that as soon as there’s something to give you guys, I’ll make a note of it here. Just hold your horses a little while longer unless you want to get in on the super-fun porting action… (no, no sarcasm there… <grin>)

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I’m back, and I’m bad!

Welp, I’m home from my vacation. Of course, you know what the first thing I did when I got home was. I’m building Qt/Mac right now, then I’ll look into updating the qt3 dport and start integrating Sam’s patches into my KDE stuff.

I’m building with gcc 3.3 just to check things out, can’t hurt to be sure everything’s clean. Hopefully by the weekend I’ll see if I have basic KDE stuff working, and I can start tweaking. Had some thoughts while I was on vacation, I think it would be very cool to have a “desktop2bundle” script or something that will create an application bundle (complete with KDE icon and multi-language support for the label). I’m going to be looking into that once I’ve got things basically working.

Also saw that my buddy Weave has a blog up now. Looks like he’s mostly talking about various mac bits from an engineer’s point of view, along with the requisite personal vendetta life has against everything he does. Should be interesting… <grin>

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Gentoo on MacOSX (or, Shut Your Yapholes You Simpering Idiots!)

(This is a repost of my post to OSNews.) I’m one of the core Fink maintainers and I also maintain some packages (and have even recently done some development) on darwinports, so I hope I at least have a little bit to say about this. 😉 A lot of the comments are saying “why?!?!” Really people, you should know the answer by now. “Why not?” It’s a fun hack, it’s neat, it’s satisfying when you accomplish it. Who needs another reason? If other people get something out of it, great. As for “what this means”, it means another infrastructure for porting packages. Yes, they’re duplicating functionality… I made the same complaints when darwinports started out, but darwinports has done some pretty innovative things and has great plans for the future; I’ve since decided I no longer have the right to ask why — it’s not my place. You’ll find that the “packaging” (ie, making the package description) is the easy part. “Porting” is the hard part, and there is very little overlap in that space. A number of fink and darwinports developers hang out in each other’s irc channels, and there’s a lot of code-sharing that goes on . . . → Read More: Gentoo on MacOSX (or, Shut Your Yapholes You Simpering Idiots!)

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