Fink on Rails

So this last week I was at OSCON. I met a lot of awesome people, some of whom I'd met online and finally got to see in person. I also learned a ton about a lot of things, but really, The Buzz® was Rails, Rails, Rails.

I've played with Ruby on Rails off and on for a few months, and I was very impressed, but I learned a new appreciation for it at OSCON. There were a ton of good training classes and experts able to explain the stuff that up until now I'd been using without really knowing what it means... (which is common if you've just picked up the 15-minute demo and thought "man, that's cool, I want to try it!")

Of course, I hate having anything installed on my system without it being package-managed, so I went ahead and packaged up everything up to Rails as well as a few extras -- Streamlined (a featureful replacement for the scaffold that was just announced at OSCON), and ferret (a port of the excellent Lucene search engine to Ruby).

It's dead easy to package up gems in Fink, so if there's anything that makes Rails easier for you that's missing, please let me know and I'll try packaging it.

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